Case Studies

Case Studies

Craig Dickens: CEO, JD Merit

“The management team and I wanted to ensure that we understood the key to unlocking knowledge relating to scaling the business. We’re strong believers in not reinventing the wheel. We wanted to learn from a peer community that would embrace us.”

Case Studies

Adriaan Bouten: Founder and CEO, Digital Prism Advisors

“Over the years, I’ve been a member of various CEO ‘peer group’
organizations. The problem with those groups was that my issues weren’t the same as the issues the other CEOs were dealing with. In Collective 54, even though we’re all working in different specialties, we’re all boutique pro serv firms.”

Case Studies

Julian Lumpkin: Founder and CEO, SuccessKit

“Interacting with knowledgeable peers has been one of the best
outcomes from being a member of Collective 54. When I have a question, I can send a direct message to another member and get a response. It’s like I have instant, actionable information at my fingertips.”