Double Your Sales Goal in 30 Days With This Simple Sales Technique

Double Your Sales Goal in 30 Days With This Simple Sales Technique

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When was the last time you, as a founder, reached out to your top clients with unique insights? We often assume our clients are paying attention to everything we do. But they’re not. It’s our job to keep them informed.

So how can we effectively educate our clients about new service offerings without bombarding them with information that doesn’t solve their problems? Let’s explore a simple sales technique to keep clients engaged at every stage.

In this video, you’ll learn:
– How to market new services to existing clients
– An effective strategy for re-engaging past clients with new offerings
– How to identify new opportunities by listening

Selling Professional Services: The Problem-Solution Framework to 10x Your Growth

Selling Professional Services: The Problem-Solution Framework to 10x Your Growth

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Every week, I talk to founders who, when asked what problem they solve, they respond with answers like “We do software development for the tech industry.” That very answer will and is likely limiting your growth.

Too many times, professional service firms are shopping around a solution rather than attacking a pervasive and valuable problem. But you can remedy that.

The Problem-Solution Framework gives you a clear path to more prospects into your business development funnel. We reveal 4 key attributes of a problem to look for, how to adjust your services to fit the framework, and why what you think doesn’t matter could be the missing piece to accelerate your growth.

Join us to discover:

    • The difference between looking for a solution vs looking for a problem
    • 4 key attributes of the Problem-Solution Framework
    • How to change your services to promote growth
    • What you think doesn’t matter in pro services

#1 Reason Why Your Firm Isn’t Growing: The Elephant and Rabbit Problem

#1 Reason Why Your Firm Isn’t Growing: The Elephant and Rabbit Problem

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A firm becomes the projects they do and the clients they sign over time. And if you’re not intentional about the type of work you provide, you can end up with scalability problems.

So how do you make sure you’re working with the right clients and positioning your business for growth? This becomes easier when comparing two animals: Rabbits and Elephants.

Explore the difference between elephant and rabbit businesses in this video, problems that arise when you accommodate both, and tactics to keep you disciplined as you scale.

Watch this video to learn more about:

    • Taking many clients at lower costs vs few clients at higher costs
    • How to identify and take advantage of gateway projects
    • Why you can’t scale by taking on different client types

A Strategy for Growth: How to Create Value for Clients

A Strategy for Growth: How to Create Value for Clients

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How do you make your firm more valuable for your clients? That’s the ultimate question. But what it comes down to isn’t as simple as X’s and O’s. Your business strategy needs to cover all the bases.

That means everyone understands the allocation of resources, your staff has a clear understanding of what’s required for customer satisfaction, and leadership knows what it takes to raise the skill level of the entire team.

In this video, we walk through the do’s and don’ts of an efficient business strategy to create more value for clients. 

In this video, you’ll learn:

    • The 3 resources a business strategy is built around
    • 4 data inputs that can help make your business more valuable to clients
    • How to create a business strategy that makes your business more valuable to clients