
Pro Serv Blogs

10 Tips for Entrepreneurs to Go the Distance in Professional Services

As entrepreneurs in the professional service firm arena, we often embark on a journey with dreams of scaling our businesses, achieving success, and ultimately reaching the coveted exit. However, the reality is that many founders falter along the way, lacking the endurance required to go the distance. In a world where millions of firms are started each year, only a select few make it to a successful exit. Why? Because the path is long, challenging, and demands unwavering mental toughness.

Pro Serv Blogs

How to Prepare Your Professional Services Firm for AI Adoption

Tech enablement is essential for professional services firms looking to remain competitive in an increasingly digital world. By leveraging AI and other technologies, firms can:
1. Increase efficiency and productivity
2. Enhance decision-making through data-driven insights
3. Improve client experiences and satisfaction
4. Attract and retain top talent
5. Scale their services and reach new markets
However, attempting to implement AI without first optimizing your firm’s processes is like building a house on a shaky foundation. It may look impressive at first, but it’s unlikely to stand the test of time. That’s why it’s essential to take a “process first, tech second” approach to AI adoption.

Pro Serv Blogs

The 10 Steps to Becoming a Happy and Respected Member of Collective 54

Are you a founder of a boutique professional service firm searching for solutions to the challenges your firm is facing? Have you been enjoying Collective 54’s insightful content? If so, you might be wondering how you can take your involvement to the next level and become a valued member of the Collective 54 mastermind community. In this blog post, we will outline the 10 steps that many of our happy and respected members have taken on their journey to success.

Pro Serv Blogs

Unlocking the Competitive Edge: The Power of Estimator Tools for Boutique Professional Service Firms

In the dynamic landscape of professional service firms, staying ahead of the competition is no small feat. To establish your firm as a trusted expert, clients demand not only a unique point of view but also the ability to back it up with hard evidence. This is where Estimator Tools come into play, providing boutique professional service firms with a powerful edge that can set them apart from the rest. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of Estimator Tools and showcase how Collective 54’s Firm Estimator Tool can guide you towards success.

Pro Serv Blogs

The Gift & The Curse: Non-Billable Time

Most firms have hours, days, weeks even – of non-billable time unceremoniously dumped into “admin” every month… or worse, not even recorded at all (but we’ve talked about that before!).That could be $100’s of thousands of dollars of time on genuine, useful & essential “admin”… or not. Mostly likely “not” to be honest.

Pro Serv Blogs

How Founder Compensation Changes as a Professional Service Firm Grows Up

As the founder of a boutique professional service firm, you’ve embarked on a unique journey filled with challenges and opportunities. In my book, “The Boutique: How to Start, Scale, and Sell a Professional Service Firm,” I introduced a framework that outlines the three key stages in the lifecycle of a small service firm: Grow, Scale, and Exit. Today, we’ll explore how your compensation as the Founder changes as your firm evolves through these stages.

Pro Serv Blogs

The Art of Silence: 6 Reasons Not to Tell Your Employees About the Pending Sale of Your Firm

Hey there, fellow founders of boutique professional service firms. If you’re contemplating selling your firm, you’re undoubtedly entering into a complex and potentially game-changing process. It’s a decision that requires careful planning and execution, and one of the crucial questions on your mind might be whether or not to inform your employees about the pending sale.