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Picking the Moment to Scale Your Boutique

In the early days of building a professional services firm, the allure of scaling can be hard to resist. The vision of a thriving, self-sustaining company is compelling, but scaling too soon is the number one startup killer. Even in the best-case scenario, premature scaling can force you to backtrack or even start over.
This is not just a theoretical insight. It’s a lesson I’ve learned. Recently, I scaled back my own company, Agilian, to focus on Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) and create a solid foundation for growth. By narrowing our focus on Medicaid retention and Medicaid digital transformation, we positioned ourselves to address urgent challenges like Medicaid redetermination. The key was following a structured blueprint for discovery, inspired by Greg Alexander’s The Boutique and Eric Ries’s Lean Startup.
Step 1: Validate Before You Scale
Professional services, as Alexander highlights in The Boutique, are “bought, not sold.” Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of designing solutions without validating demand. Eric Ries emphasizes the need to test every idea with real customers to ensure it solves a genuine pain point.
For professional services firms, this means starting with direct conversations to understand clients’ most urgent needs. In the Medicaid MCO space, clients don’t have time for “vitamins”—solutions that are nice-to-have. They’re looking for “painkillers” to solve acute issues like skyrocketing drug costs, MCO enrollment recovery, or Medicaid unwinding.
The goal is to identify these pain points and create consulting services to address them. Forget polished products for now—focus on solving immediate problems to build credibility and revenue. When done right, your clients will help reveal scalable opportunities like Medicaid integration or MCO retention analytics.
Step 2: Specialize to Discover Service-Market Fit
One of the greatest advantages of a boutique professional services firm is specificity. The more narrowly you define your market, the easier it is to position yourself as the expert.
For example, my firm’s focus on Medicaid MCOs allowed us to deeply understand challenges like improving healthcare equity data, navigating Medicaid data complexities, and addressing MCO member retention. When crafting your pitch, highlight:
- Market Focus: Speak to a specific audience, like Medicaid MCOs.
- Expertise: Showcase deep knowledge of their industry.
- Pain-Solving Ability: Align your services with their most pressing challenges, such as Medicaid redetermination or regulatory hurdles.
Tailored, flexible offerings, based on clients’ highest priorities, allow you to provide value immediately while gathering insights for future productized services like Medicaid digital transformation strategies.
Step 3: Listen Before you Speak
Professional services thrive on trust. Early engagements should emphasize deep listening and delivering results that create real value. When you do speak, share about your other clients, focusing on the painful problems you’ve solved and the outcomes they’ve achieved. This approach not only builds credibility but also reassures clients that you understand their needs.
Instead of pitching a pre-designed program, start with a concise summary of:
- Consulting Services Offered: For example, Medicaid MCO regulatory analytics or MCO retention analytics.
- Experience Solving Pain Points: Highlight successes like preventing Medicaid beneficiaries from losing millions in services.
- Your Differentiation: Emphasize expertise in Medicaid regulatory technology or healthcare equity data.
The key is not selling what you think they need. Unless your space is commodified, you don’t know what they need. Dance with them to inquire whether your expertise aligns with their most immediate pain points. When you focus on their problems, instead of your solutions, you can discover tremendous opportunities.
Step 4: Let Clients Shape Your Scalable Service Offerings
Premature scaling often stems from investing heavily in offerings no one is ready to buy. Instead, let clients guide and fund the discovery of scalable services.
When I first started, I had an ambitious idea for a productized service—too ambitious for my small firm. Instead of building it upfront, I refined it based on lessons from consulting engagements. Over time, patterns emerged, revealing consistent needs like Medicaid retention analytics and MCO regulatory transformation. These engagements not only delivered value for clients but also funded the learning phase for Agilian’s scalable offerings.
As Ries advises, treat your offerings as hypotheses and use real-world feedback to iterate. By the time you’re ready to scale, you’ll have a proven service that meets clear market demand.
Step 5: Pick the Right Moment to Scale
Scaling a professional services firm requires long-term vision. As Stephen Covey advises in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, begin with the end in mind. Picture your firm as a thriving enterprise with consistent revenue, loyal clients, and a clear niche. Then work backward to map the steps to achieve that vision.
In practical terms, this means:
- Building a financial foundation with services that address urgent client pain points (in our case, Medicaid retention or Medicaid redetermination challenges.)
- Developing a repeatable process for delivering value, (We are investing in Medicaid retention and healthcare equity analytics.)
- Investing in relationships and reputation to prove you can create a pipeline of opportunities beyond your personal network (This blog post is part of our Account Based Marketing strategy! Let’s see if it works!)
Until you have these elements in place, don’t make large investments in scale. Run lean discovery experiments until you have service-market fit.
Conclusion: The Path to Sustainability and Scale
Starting a professional services firm from scratch is both challenging and rewarding. The key to success is resisting the temptation to scale prematurely. Focus on validating demand, specializing in your services, building relationships, and letting your clients guide—and fund—your growth.
By following this approach, rooted in Greg Alexander’s The Boutique, Eric Ries’s Lean Startup, and Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits, you’ll build a sustainable foundation for your firm. When it’s time to scale, you’ll do so with confidence, knowing your services meet real market needs and are positioned for long-term success.
- Greg Alexander, The Boutique: How to Start, Scale, and Sell a Professional Services Firm
- Eric Ries, The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses
- Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
- The Startup Genome Project Report, 2011: Premature Scaling as the #1 Reason Startups Fail