Pro Serv Blogs

The Hyper-Specialization Strategy for Boutique Professional Service Firms in the Age of AI

Hello, I’m Greg Alexander, and I welcome you to another edition of C54 Insights, where we delve into the latest trends and strategies for boutique professional service firms. Today, we’re going to talk about a critical shift in the professional services landscape driven by the mainstream adoption of artificial intelligence and how boutique firms can regain their competitive edge.

Pro Serv Podcasts

Episode  123 – How a Pioneer from the SaaS Era is Jumping on the AI Wave to Re-invent his Firm – Member Case by Jeff Pedowitz

Jeff Pedowitz, CEO of The Pedowitz Group, was one of the pioneers of the SaaS era by driving adoption of marketing automation technology from Eloqua, Marketo and others. This allowed his firm, The Pedowitz Group, to dominate his niche for almost two decades. Now, Jeff sees the next big wave, AI, and he shares with Collective 54 how to ride it all the way to the bank.