Chapter 34

Pro Serv Podcasts

Episode 120 – How a Consulting Firm Embraced Trial and Error When Building a Sales Team – Member Case by Scott Arias

Building a sales team inside of a consulting firm is hard. However, it is a requirement if a firm is going to scale beyond a Founder-led lifestyle business. Adding to the difficulty, is the need to go through an expensive and time-consuming trial and error period. It takes patience and many experiments before a firm figures out what works for them.

Pro Serv Podcasts

Episode 82 – How a Technology Service Provider Transitioned from a Founder Driven Sales Model to a Sales Team – Member Case with Lenka Lechmanova

Boutiques become market leaders by building a commercial sales engine that is capable of scaling. On this episode, we invited Lenka Lechmanova, CEO at V2 Strategic Advisors. She shares how her firm has cultivated a homegrown talent strategy, established sales processes and metrics to benchmark performance, and moved away from partner selling.