Joining a Mastermind Group: Is it Worth Your Time?

People reach out to me after reading The BOUTIQUE: How to Start, Scale and Sell a Professional Services Firm. They hear about Collective 54, a mastermind community specifically for professional services firm owners, and ask me to help them understand if it’s for them. Here’s what I tell them: “Yes, 1000 percent.” 

Running a professional services firm is not easy. In fact, it is too much work for one person. Whether it be deciding on pricing for your services or setting up tech enabling service, decision-making can be very challenging. The pressure to have all the answers can sometimes feel insurmountable, but you don’t need to be making these decisions alone. Countless business founders and owners face the same problem, so why not work together? 

Mastermind communities are peer-to-peer-based groups that allow business professionals from a vast array of disciplines to meet and brainstorm together. These groups are incredibly holistic, for each individual taking part brings their knowledge, experience, and skillset. These communities are predominantly mentorship based, where each person takes on the role of both mentor and mentee. Mastermind communities allow for knowledge and experience to be shared and act as a place where one’s strength is used to develop another’s weakness. 

The reason why mastermind communities work is actually quite simple. A hundred minds are far better than one. Chances are, someone else has had the same problem, or at least one that’s very similar to yours. Looking into how they solved it is an easy way to discover a path that may also work for you. Not to mention, there may be a professional in your mastermind community that doesn’t see your issue as a problem at all. Perhaps the area of weakness you’re working in is an area of strength for them.

The Collective 54 mastermind group allows you to gain a competitive edge by learning from true peers in professional services, sharing expertise and benefitting from our specific programming for founders and owners of boutiques. We offer a modern, time-efficient way to put the power of 100s of brilliant minds to help you. So, is joining a mastermind group like ours worth your time? 

Absolutely. A mastermind group is your greatest weapon if you want to rise above the noise and stay ahead of your competition. 

The Benefits of a Mastermind Community

  1. Receiving Instant Feedback Regularly

When running a business independently, it’s easy to make decisions and wait for results. Suppose it turns out how you intended, great. However, wouldn’t it have helped to know that in the first place if it didn’t go your way? After all, hindsight is always perfect. As part of a mastermind community, you’ll receive instant feedback, almost perfectly replicating that hindsight vision we all wish we had. Perhaps one of your peers has already tried the method you’re considering and, as such, gives you insight into how it will play out. Maybe it worked, but with a few modifications. Instant feedback is an asset that only a mastermind community can provide. 

  1. Strengthening Your Weaknesses

Mastermind communities are more than just places for advice. They’re a place where you can learn from other professionals and turn your weaknesses into strengths. For example, if you’re struggling with the financial aspect of your business, reach out to the financially savvy members of your mastermind community. Listening to their advice and suggestions is the first step to strengthening your skills. Over time, you’ll find that you’re also becoming financially savvy and, as such, have turned your weakness into a strength. 

  1. Motivating and Celebrating One Another

When you join a mastermind community, you’re joining a community that’s solely there to support and lean on one another. When you succeed, your community will be there to celebrate with you, and when your peers succeed, you’ll be there to cheer them on. Being in an atmosphere that’s always positive and moving forward is an excellent motivator for success. You’ll start to find that your community wants you to succeed just as badly as you want to see yourself succeed. Mastermind communities are places in which relationships are built and sustained. 

Benefits of Joining Collective 54’s Mastermind Community

Collective 54 was created specifically for professional services firms. Our group consists of true peers- founders and owners of boutique pro serv firms. Our mission is to help these founders and owners  to grow, scale and sell their firms bigger and faster.

The collective wisdom of our mastermind community combined with expertise sharing and our specific pro serv expert programming truly sets our community apart. Other benefits you can expect from joining Collective 54’s mastermind group include: 

  • Live Expert Instruction: Receive expert advice from other boutique leaders. I teach a live, weekly topic and lead a Q&A session for all mastermind group members as part of our community.
  • Small-Group Learning: We facilitate roundtable sessions so that you and other members can solve problems and design strategies through live, interactive learning and collaboration. 
  • 1:1 Member Connections: Collective 54 mastermind community members are encouraged to connect to leverage an individual’s subject matter expertise or experience. 
  • On-Demand Self Study: Members of our mastermind group can engage with Collective 54’s intellectual property and resources on-demand. Leverage diagnostic tools, templates, and the  Collective 54 podcast series to create your boutique action plan. 
  • Digital First Community: Purposely built for the time-pressed leader, our mastermind community offers in-person and online activities. Engage with Collective 54’s expertise in the medium that suits you best. 

Collective 54: The Peer Mentoring Community Your Professional Services Firm Needs

Solving challenges in your professional services firm is done better and faster with hundreds of minds rather than one. First, find a mastermind community that will fit your needs. Take advantage of peer mentoring and networking opportunities to learn from experts in various subject matter areas. Innovate through collaboration to grow, scale, and sell your firm. 
At Collective 54, we offer three customized membership plans based on your business’ lifecycle stage. Our dedicated focus and support for your goals are what sets our community apart. Contact us today to learn more about how your business can benefit from joining Collective 54.