Competing on Price: A Boutique Professional Service Firm’s Dilemma

Understanding the Low-Cost Provider Landscape
As a founder of a boutique professional service firm, you might find yourself at a crossroads, pondering if competing on price is the right strategy for your business. To navigate this critical decision, it’s essential to understand what being a low-cost provider entails and the nuances of price-based competition.
What It Means to Be a Low-Cost Provider
Being a low-cost provider is more than just slashing prices. It’s a strategic choice that involves positioning your firm as the most economical option in the market. This doesn’t necessarily mean being the cheapest, but rather offering the best value for money. For example, you might charge the same, or more, per hour but you get the work done in half the time as the competitors. To the client, you are the low-cost provider. However, internally, you manage to exceptional gross margins.
The Role of the Economizer
In this context, becoming an ‘economizer’ is key. This means not only setting competitive prices but also ensuring your operational model supports this strategy. As an economizer, your goal is to help clients save time and money, thus delivering value that goes beyond just the monetary aspect. Small service firms are well suited to play the role of economizer as they are easier to do business with, and can simplify for clients.
The Big Vs. Small Firm Conundrum
Large firms often have the upper hand in being low-cost providers due to their ability to squeeze costs out of inefficiencies at scale. They leverage volume, streamlined processes, and economies of scale to reduce costs, passing some of these savings to their clients.
For boutique firms, competing head-on with larger rivals on price can be a risky strategy. Smaller firms typically lack the scale to absorb cost reductions without impacting profitability. But does this mean you should abandon the idea of competing on price? Not necessarily.
Reengineering Service Delivery: The Smart Approach
For boutique firms, a smarter approach lies in reengineering how services are delivered. This involves innovating and finding unique ways to provide services more efficiently. By doing so, you can reduce costs while simultaneously enhancing service quality.
This approach requires a deep understanding of your clients’ needs and a willingness to challenge the status quo. It’s about being agile, adapting quickly to changes, and leveraging technology to streamline processes. For example, large firms often overengineer their service offering to justify a high price. The more complex and difficult a project the more people it requires and the longer the work will take to complete. Small service firms can show a client that this complexity is not required, that there is a simpler way to solve a problem. And, therefore, it requires fewer people and less time, thus it costs less.
Can You Compete on Price?
So, can a boutique professional service firm compete on price? Yes, but with a caveat. It’s not about being the cheapest option, but rather about providing exceptional value. Your strategy should focus on reengineering your service delivery to lower costs while maintaining, or even improving, service quality.
In Conclusion
Competing on price as a boutique firm is feasible, but it demands a strategic approach focused on operational efficiencies and innovative service delivery. Remember, in the world of professional services, value often trumps price. Your goal should be to provide unmatched service at a price point that reflects the value you offer, not just the cost to deliver it.
Are you wondering if you can win on price? Are you charging too much, or too little, for your services? If so, consider joining Collective 54. Members ask, and answer questions like this for each other, based on their first hand personal experiences. Apply here.